The Auto Groups extension comes with a handful of user data conditions that can be used to qualify users for automatic group placement. This allows board administrators to set up special groups that users will automatically be added to (or removed from) based on their activity. The Auto Groups extension can automate the process of adding and removing users from groups upon reaching specified quantitative milestones related to their post count, age, membership, and warnings count. See how the process was tracked on our Trello board. It was a collaboration between phpBB Customisations team members mentoring a student (Senky) who has since become a member of the phpBB Customisations team. This extension was developed during our participation in the 2017 Google Summer of Code (GSoC) program. This extension is a complete management tool for all of a board’s advertising needs. Ad views and clicks can be counted and set to expire at a certain date or number of clicks and/or views. Display ads in a variety of locations with priority weighting to show important ads more often than others. Create unlimited advertisements using code snippets (such as Google AdSense) or create your own HTML/JS and banner ads. The Advertisement Management extension allows phpBB board administrators to add and manage advertisements on their forums. Their code has been extensively commented to provide as much information as possible to help extension authors learn from them. These extensions were chosen based on various criteria including community interest and their ability to serve as teaching examples for extension developers/authors. These are extensions created and maintained by the Official Extensions Development Team. PhpBB is proud to present a collection of official extensions.